Press Releases by Elastisys, the Compliant Kubernetes company Go beyond the clouds Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:03:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Press Releases by Elastisys, the Compliant Kubernetes company 32 32 Elastisys Welkin® Featured on Thoughtworks Tech Radar Mon, 18 Nov 2024 11:00:56 +0000 We are thrilled to share that Welkin (formerly Elastisys Compliant Kubernetes) has been featured on the Thoughtworks Tech Radar as a platform technology to assess!

The post Elastisys Welkin® Featured on Thoughtworks Tech Radar first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Compliant Kubernetes becomes Welkin! Mon, 07 Oct 2024 11:36:09 +0000 Compliant Kubernetes is now Welkin! Our platform’s name has changed, but our commitment to secure, compliant, and scalable cloud native solutions remains the same. Learn more about our exciting rebrand!

The post Elastisys Compliant Kubernetes becomes Welkin! first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Fully Managed Kubernetes Platform is Now Also Available on Azure Thu, 30 May 2024 07:14:08 +0000 Elastisys' fully managed Kubernetes platform is now on Microsoft Azure, providing secure, compliant cloud solutions for regulated industries. Enjoy enhanced business continuity, security, and seamless Azure integration.

The post Elastisys Fully Managed Kubernetes Platform is Now Also Available on Azure first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Launches New Service to Meet Customer Demand Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:02:42 +0000 We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Self-Managed Kubernetes platform with Elastisys support, marking a significant milestone for us. At Elastisys, we take pride in our commitment to enhancing security and regulatory compliance for critical infrastructure, as defined by NIS2, while providing a great developer experience. We’re excited to see our vision align seamlessly […]

The post Elastisys Launches New Service to Meet Customer Demand first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Raises a 30 Million SEK Investment Tue, 26 Sep 2023 09:37:23 +0000 Finally, we can announce the closing of another round of funding where Elastisys raises a 30 million SEK investment.

The post Elastisys Raises a 30 Million SEK Investment first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys och Avassa inleder partnerskap Tue, 06 Sep 2022 08:13:00 +0000 Press release om hur Elastisys och Avassa krokar arm för att erbjuda flexibel applikationshantering i centrala och distribuerade moln.

The post Elastisys och Avassa inleder partnerskap first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Nu finns Elastisys Kubernetes Platform as a Service tillgänglig hos Elastx Tue, 24 May 2022 12:57:00 +0000 Äntligen kan vi meddela att Elastisys Kubernetes Platform as a Service (KPaaS) finns tillgänglig på Elastx infrastruktur!

The post Nu finns Elastisys Kubernetes Platform as a Service tillgänglig hos Elastx first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Announces CEO Transition Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:02:00 +0000 Elastisys announces that Johan Tordsson has been appointed interim CEO by the Board of Directors as Robert Winter steps down as CEO during the beginning of 2022. During the transition Elastisys will recruit a new CEO that will continue to grow Elastisys on the international market.

The post Elastisys Announces CEO Transition first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Ny CISO-panel som underlättar regelefterlevnad Fri, 05 Mar 2021 11:55:00 +0000 Containerbaserad programvaruutveckling har tagit världen med storm då det erbjuder organisationer möjligheten att snabbare skapa skalbar och flexibel mjukvara, till en lägre kostnad. Containerbaserad IT-infrastruktur är idag nyckeln till en mer effektiv utveckling och därmed snabbare innovationstakt och bättre konkurrenskraft, men många tvekar då det samtidigt ställs allt hårdare krav på att efterleva lagar och standarder såsom GDPR, FFFS, PdL och ISO-27001 från myndigheter och kunder. Elastisys senaste produktversion - Compliant Kubernetes 21-03 - är specifikt utformad för att säkerställa högre säkerhet och enklare efterlevnad i den nya, moderna infrastrukturen.

The post Ny CISO-panel som underlättar regelefterlevnad first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Svensk utmanare ingår partnerskap med Europas största molnleverantör Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:23:00 +0000 Det norrländska snabbväxande bolaget Elastisys offentliggjorde idag sitt partnerskap med OVHcloud, Europas största molnleverantör. Partnerskapet stärker det europeiska utbudet av moderna molntjänster och erbjuder GDPR-säker behandling av personuppgifter. Ett enkelt svar på en hett debatterad fråga sedan “Privacy Shield” ogiltigförklarades i somras.

The post Svensk utmanare ingår partnerskap med Europas största molnleverantör first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys and OVHcloud partner up to provide GDPR-compliant managed container services Thu, 04 Feb 2021 06:32:33 +0000 Elastisys today announced Europe’s biggest cloud provider OVHcloud as a Partner. This partnership will enable customers of both companies to access enterprise grade security-focused container services that are fully EU compliant. 

The post Elastisys and OVHcloud partner up to provide GDPR-compliant managed container services first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

SEB and Norrlandsfonden support Elastisys expansion plans Thu, 17 Dec 2020 16:37:47 +0000 Elastisys is the world leader in Cloud Native Compliance, providing open source solutions, managed services and professional services allowing organizations with high security and compliance requirements to deliver scalable software faster, better and cost-efficiently in modern cloud native environments. Their flagship product – Welkin – is the first distribution of Kubernetes that is specifically designed […]

The post SEB and Norrlandsfonden support Elastisys expansion plans first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

SEB och Norrlandsfonden stöttar Elastisys expansionsplaner Thu, 17 Dec 2020 16:22:00 +0000 SEB och Norrlandsfonden stöttar Elastisys forskningsbaserade lösningar inom en marknad som är i stor expansion: regelefterlevnad i molnet.

The post SEB och Norrlandsfonden stöttar Elastisys expansionsplaner first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Kubernetes Plattform Tillgängligt Som Öppen Källkod Wed, 18 Nov 2020 07:12:22 +0000 Elastisys, världsledandarna inom Kubernetes och regelefterlevnad, meddelar idag att deras produkt Compliant Kubernetes (CK8s) nu är publikt tillgänglig som öppen källkod.

The post Elastisys Kubernetes Plattform Tillgängligt Som Öppen Källkod first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!

Elastisys Announces General Availability of Compliant Kubernetes as Open Source Wed, 18 Nov 2020 06:47:21 +0000 Elastisys, the World Leader in Kubernetes and Cloud Native Compliance and Regulatory Requirements , announces today that Open Source Compliant Kubernetes (CK8s) is now generally available.

The post Elastisys Announces General Availability of Compliant Kubernetes as Open Source first appeared at elastisys. Visit elastisys' site today and see how we can help improve your cloud deployments!
